Monday, 25 May 2015

Post #5: Current favourites and least favourites

(Post #5) Current Favourites and least Favourites

        I think from the name alone a lot of you can already tell what I am going to talk about huh? So for today, I shall be talking about an interesting topic for a lot of Animal Crossing players. Today will will tell you guys and say who are my favourites that are currently in my town. The reason why i am talking about this is well, because me rambling on and on about the current generations in Angelme was getting boring even for me! so one to the topic, first off well talk about my least favourite.


(Link: Link)

        Ohh god, how I hate this squirl so much. Now, I shall tell you guys why I hate her so much, to start it off, I never see her anywhere. And when I do see here, she complains that I was avoiding her? Second of all, where she placed her darn house. You see, currently I am in the middle of making my town more prettier. So when my friends come see it, they can enjoy how beautiful it looks. But right where i was making a meadow, that is where she placed her house. And when I first met her, I instantly knew I wanted her gone asap. Comment in the bottom if you want her, free of charge.

        And now on to my favourite villager, this little guy has been with him since I first started the game. In my original game that I had back in 2013, he was one of my first villagers as well. I didn't really know his name back then, but he was one of the villagers back then that I would always take time out of my gaming day to talk to. When I lost my original game back in October of 2014, I was devastated since from not only how much progress I had made but for losing him. So when I got this current one i am playing on, I made it my mission to get him back, no matter what. 


(Link: Link)

        He is too cute for words to describe. So as I was saying, when I got this current game back in December, I tried looking for ways to get Marcel back, I went onto Tumblr talked to some people, they didnt answer me. Looking on the adoption Villager Blogs, they didn't seem to have any profiles of him either. I was losing hope, I thought I would never get him back. That is until i ran into this blog. I was ecstatic that She had him, So when her time was open, I went and got him. It was the best. Two days after that, Marcel moved in, and we have been friends ever since.

        And that is all for today, thank you all again for reading my blog. Sorry if this week has been boring, I promise I'll talk about more interesting things, if you all want, you can comment down in the comment section and ask him to talk about something else for Wednesday. Until then, I'll see you all on Wednesday.

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